From the heart to Cristian Socican

2,237 USD Of the 13,500 required
149 Donations
2103 In how many days was collected
Name Tatiana Plescan
Age 17 years
Amount required 13,500 US Dollar

  • Name: Cristian
    • Surname: Socican
    • Age: 17
    • Diagnosis: Duchenne progressive muscular dystrophy
    • Required amount: 8980 euros
    • Treatment: Poland

A message from mother:

My name is Socican Silvia, I'm the mother of seventeen-year-old Cristian Socican, who at the age of 5 years was diagnosed with progressive muscular dystrophy.
Since Christian is the second child in a family with such a serious illness, the first son died at the age of 14, we immediately started the treatment. Three or four times a year we went to examinations, underwent various treatments and rehabilitations. We have always looked for information about children with this diagnosis, hoping to find somewhere a more effective treatment to save my only son.

Incidentally, in 2016, we found a clinic in Poland, specializing in such diagnoses. I contacted them, as a result of a conversation with a doctor, after a while we were invited for treatment.

We really want to go there, but we are stopped by a shortage of money. A trip to Poland is a chance for Cristian to recover and live a normal life. Our family has a modest income, I am a social worker, and my husband is a disabled person of the second group, who has a seasonal job. Almost all the money that we manage to save, we spend on drugs and rehabilitation for our son.

We ask all of you for help so that our son can enjoy life!

Campaign began in 4 July 2018
In how many days was collected 2103
Created P CaritateMD
Category Social
FILIPP ALEXANDR 5 Apr, 2024 12:48
50 MDL
ajutor material pu Socican Cristian
arina constantinova 27 Feb, 2024 13:51 18
Elena Gindea 22 Feb, 2024 21:17 10
10 EUR
Sănătate vă doresc
Denis Untila 11 Feb, 2024 22:30 43
191 MDL
Anonymous donation 6 Feb, 2024 23:55 58
10 EUR
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