
Elena Dotu has defeated cancer!
Dear friends, are you ready to hear great news? Victory!!! Our dear, beloved, Lenuta Dotu, has won!!! These are the miracles we can accomplish, because we arewonderful people, who share our kindness with those who struggle for life. Dear God, Lenuta went through a lot... but do you know what is the secret of this VICTORY? The secret is in us, because we were there when she needed us, we, those who prayed and believed that she could defeat the disease.
Lenuta thanks you for her life. We are also grateful to you, guardian angels, because thanks to you, people begin to believe in miracles, thanks to your kindness, people in the most difficult moments of life find the strength to fight for it.
We love you very much and together with Lenuta we hug you for another life that’s been saved.