Last Name: Pavinschi
Name: Tatiana
Age: 27
Diagnosis: brain tumor
Required amount: 20920 euros+10.000
Treatment: Turkey
A message from Tatiana:
Hello, my name is Tatiana, I am 27 years old and I am the mother of two wonderful girls. Unfortunately, the fate was cruel to me and my family and now I have to fight to save my life. I learned the news
that I wouldn't wish even on my worst enemy, I have a brain tumor, and the worst thing is that I urgently require a surgery that costs a fortune for me and my family, therefore I can miss the opportunity to save my life. We are desperate and we don’t know what to do next. I really want to live and raise my two daughters, but I can not cope on my own with all the expenses. I ask each and everyone of you to help me, I am in despair, I have no one to turn to, you are my only chance. I beg you to help me get rid of this brain tumor, because I can not cope on my own.
My desperate soul thank you for your help.
Dragii nostri si pentru ca operatia era necesara de urgenta totusi clinica nu s-a uitat daca Tatiana are toata suma, pentru ca risca sa isi piarda viata... Acum ea este stabila, va fi necesara reabilitarea si de trecut intregul tratament. Vorbim in fiecare zi cu apropiatii Tatianei, cel mai mult isi fac griji, micutele ei, cele care sunt acasa si nu dorm deja 3 zile pentru mamica lor. Multumim Domnului ca totul a decurs bine si ca sansa de a se face bine este una enorma. Noi astazi va imploram sa fim alaturi de ea, de fetitele ei, de familia indurerata care nu isi mai gasesc linistea de cateva luni. Va rugam sa donam si salvam aceasta mamica disperata, indurerata... e prea tanara... Va rugam un efort repetat, o mica donatie dar sa o facem, pentru a salva viata acestei mamici.