Together we can help the Unit of Congenital Heart Diseases of the Republican Hospital

14,744 EUR Of the 15,000 required
11 Donations
19 In how many days was collected
Name Svetlana
Amount required 15,000 Euro

In June 2016, with the help of generous people, the children's playroom of the Unit for Children "Surgery of Congenital Heart Diseases" of the Republican Hospital was renovated, after many years of cold and damp. Now the kids have enough space where they can have fun and enjoy new toys. But ... we don’t want to stop here.

Now it is necessary to change the windows in all the units, many of them are outdated and cracked. The scotch tape is the only thing that prevents the cold from getting inside these rooms ... In winter it's very cold here, and in the summer - it's too hot.

The bathroom for children also looks pathetic. It is cold here, the pipes are rusty, there is  no furniture.

Annually in the children's unit "Surgery of congenital heart disease" there are up to 450 patients with various heart diseases and about 350 surgeries are carried out here.

We can not cure these little kids with heart defects, but we can provide them with warmth and comfort that will facilitate their stay in the medical institution. The winter holidays are approaching. It's time to share joy with both loved ones and those who suffer. Only together we can change the situation for the better.

Campaign began in 1 December 2017
In how many days was collected 19
Created P CaritateMD
Region Chisinau
Category Social
Anonymous donation 19 Dec, 2017 20:57
17,221 USD
Merry Christmas
Anonymous donation 9 Dec, 2017 10:00 36
33 EUR
Doamne ajută!
Natalia C 7 Dec, 2017 15:02 30
50 MDL
Andrei Stratu 6 Dec, 2017 16:42 2
1,717 MDL
Grabazei Irina 5 Dec, 2017 20:15 17
15 USD
All donations
4 Jul, 2022
3 Jul, 2018

Dragii nostri, venim cu noutati frumoase de la sectia malformatiilor cardiace congenitale. Ne bucuram enorm ca aceasta sectie, datorita unui donator fidel din strainatate, a fost renovata. Acum atat picii cat si parintii vor avea conditii umane, decente iar asta ne face sa ii spunem un mare multumesc pentru gestul nobil a acestui minunat donator, pentru faptul ca niciodata nu trece cu vederea si este alaturi atunci cand noi, oamenii, avem cea mai mare nevoie. Ne inchinam, draga donator, pentru minunea adusa copiilor bolnavi de inima. Multumim pentru ca existati pentru noi, pentru oamenii necajiti si aflati in suferinta.

Multumim ca va pasa!

Cu multa dragoste,

Echipa - Unitate prin caritate!


Am dat start campaniei
