Together to help the Todica family

102,070 MDL Of the 100,000 required
182 Donations
9 In how many days was collected
Name DUmitru
Amount required 100,000 Moldova Lei

  • Family: Todica
  • Required assistance: after a terrible accident, a 1.4 year old girl and her twenty-two year old father lost their lives. The family require support for funerals and for the treatment of mother who lies in a coma
  • Necessary amount: 100 000 lei

A message to all people of goodwill!

Todica family from the village of Gura Bacului (Anenii noi) were on the road to Chisinau for a medical examination of their 1.4 years old daughter, when a terrible accident happened.  The 22-year-old father and child were killed, and the mother fights between life and death in the hospital as a result of the accident that happened near the village of Todiresti.
The whole family and all their relatives are in huge pain. With two bodies in the house, parents, grandmother and grandfather are trying to save at least their daughter’s life. Doctors say that the situation of Cezara Todica is very unstable, but they promise to fight for the life of the 24-year-old woman who recently lost her only child and husband.
Close people ask all people of goodwill to offer financial assistance primarily for the treatment of Cezara, as well as for the funeral of her daughter and husband. Thank you!

Campaign began in 16 January 2018
In how many days was collected 9
Created P CaritateMD
Region Anenii Noi
Category Social
Otilia Panco 24 Jan, 2018 15:55 103
Anonymous donation 18 Jan, 2018 22:45 94
16,000 MDL
Anonymous donation 18 Jan, 2018 22:28 2
200 MDL
Sincere condoleanțe familiei
Anonymous donation 18 Jan, 2018 21:07
30 MDL
Anonymous donation 18 Jan, 2018 18:02 4
200 MDL
All donations
