Together make the dream come true for the primary classes pupils of the Lyceum Alexandru Ioan Cuza from Chisinau

7,156 USD Of the 6,000 required
9 Donations
104 In how many days was collected
Name Svetlana Sainsus
Amount required 6,000 US Dollar

Representatives of the Lyceum Alexandru Ioan Cuza from Chisinau want to build a wonderful stadium, which will be enjoyed by the pupils of primary classes. And since it considered that investments in sports are investments in the future and health, children dream of having their own football field. In order to build this stadium, which will be dedicated solely to the education of future generations, we require the assistance of people with big hearts. €6,000 are needed for the kids to play and fully enjoy the school years that are the most wonderful in life. As the school provides children with roots and wings for future development, we encourage donors to help them realize this dream, because kids want to play sports and spend time in school with maximum intensity. From the heart for the pupils of the primary classes of the Lyceum Alexandru Ioan Cuza from Chisinau. Please support the kids in making their dream come true.

Campaign began in 11 September 2017
In how many days was collected 104
Created P CaritateMD
Region Chisinau
Category Social
Anonymous donation 23 Dec, 2017 21:49
53,825 MDL
Apeluri UNITE 13 Oct, 2017 15:09
386 MDL
Colectat prin apeluri telefonie fixă UNITE
Anonymous donation 27 Sep, 2017 21:44
520 USD
Apeluri UNITE 25 Sep, 2017 15:09
282 MDL
Colectat prin apeluri telefonie fixă UNITE
Anonymous donation 24 Sep, 2017 22:12
50,000 MDL
All donations
8 Nov, 2017

Dragii nostri si pentru ca lucrurile frumoase se fac din suflet cu multa daruire liceul Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Chisinau se bucura de un teren sportiv care il visau ani la rand. Nu cred ca exista o mai mare placere decat sa vezi zeci de copii fericiti. Impreuna cu ei am trait bucuria imensa citita pe fata lor. Multumim dragi donatori, oameni generosi ca am putut indeplini vise de copii - de a avea propriul teren sportiv. Impreuna facem lucruri frumoase, impreuna schimbam lumea si miscam lucrurile... Oare ce poate fi mai minunat decat zambetele copiilor nostri? Pentru aceste clipe si momente unice se merita tot efortul nostru. Onorata si incantata sa fim alaturi de prichindeii claselor primare al liceului Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Chisinau. Multumim dragi donatori pentru toata sustinerea. Sunteti minunati.


Am dat start campaniei
