Together for the family doctors' office in Izbiște village

47,656 MDL Of the 250,000 required
65 Donations
129 In how many days was collected
Amount required 250,000 Moldova Lei

The villagers of Izbiște village, from the Republic of Moldova, are asking for help in the urgent collection of funds for the renovation of the local center for family medicine. The local community managed to identify a grant that could cover half of the total expense amount, but the access to this grant is conditioned by the prior collection of the first half of the total sum. The villagers are almost halfway to fulfilling their dream of having access to medical services in safe and dignified conditions, but they need help in order to seize this rare funding opportunity!
The lack of a decent Family Practice in Izbiște village is the most pressing problem of its over 3200 inhabitants, of which over 700 children, 550 pensioners, 25 children with severe disability, 220 people with accentuated and medium degree disability, over 100 elderly people over the age of 75, 20 newborns, and 22 expecting mothers.
The building that currently houses the village’s medical center offers cold and poorly lit rooms which cannot be properly heated in the winter and ventilation in the summer, lacks connection to the clean water system, has no toilet and bathroom, and does not offer an adequate space for mothers and children.
The building to be improved is the former maternity hospital, which is located in the center of the village, with entrances on both sides, which optimize the access of the ambulance, that is so crucial in cases of emergency.
Your donations, together with the grant to be accessed, would contribute to the reconstruction of the building, the improvement in the work conditions of the doctors and nurses there, and to the considerable improvement of the medical services provided to the population.
The Izbiște village Association counts on those who know the village, those who don’t but appreciate people of a rare kindness and openness, those who left and came back home and those who are settled abroad but want to help their brothers and sisters have a better life in Moldova.
Let’s help them achieve their dream of a better  




Campaign began in 3 July 2020
In how many days was collected 129
Created P CaritateMD
Region r. Criuleni, s. Izbiște
Category Social
Alexandr Rudenco 9 Nov, 2020 11:12 175
150 MDL
Валентина Гашко 21 Oct, 2020 20:15
1,000 MDL
Un mic ajutor din partea Valentinei Gasco. Sa fie Intrun ceas bun, si domnul sa va ajute.Si un viitor bun pentru satul nostru Izbiste.!!!!
Rosca Ruslan 17 Oct, 2020 23:10
795 MDL
Slava Sajin 17 Oct, 2020 10:55 14
20 EUR
Iacubov Vladimir Aculina 17 Oct, 2020 00:09
2,000 MDL
Pentru voi cei de acasa
All donations
