In May 2016 Denis suddenly became ill at work while driving (he could not speak, his eyesight got worse, he lost his orientation). He was taken to hospital. At Moscow Research Institute Burdenko he was diagnosed with glioma of the left hemisphere of the brain. He was appointed a brain biopsy. Because he is a citizen of another country, there was no possibility to undergo surgery in Moscow. On June 1, 2016, he underwent surgery in Moldova. The biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of brain glioma (anaplastic astrocytoma (3rd degree). Due to the fact that the tumor has no clear boundaries, a complete surgical removal is not possible because the nearby areas responsible for speech, memory, vision could be affected and there was a big risk that he might remain disabled. He was appointed for a course of radiotherapy. A month after the surgery, Denis took a course (30 sessions) of radiotherapy (60 gray) in Chisinau. Afterwards his condition slightly improved. He started to talk better, he could read and write. But it was not enough, and Denis was recommended to take chemotherapy sessions. In September 2016, Denis began the chemotherapy, but these sessions gave no positive results. The doctors discovered on MRI a recurrence of the tumor. As a result, we decided to go to the Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Oncology and Medical Radiology. Alexandrov in the Republic of Belarus. The neurosurgeon that consulted us agreed to perform the surgery. The doctor gave us the guarantee of a successful outcome, because they have all the necessary tools and equipment. But we were told that the surgery will cost 12,000 euros, and unfortunately, our family does not have much money, so we ask you for help. Help us please.
Dragii nostri, ieri mamica lui Dionisie ne-a sunat si nu se mai oprea din plans. Multe s-au intamplat in ultima perioada la ei. Parca totul era bine, Dionisie mergea spre insanatosire... dar brusc situatia s-a agravat, acum ei lupta cu ultimele puteri. Dionisie este in Belorusia la tratament, acum are nevoie cat mai urgent de operatie. Mamica ne povesteste ca situatia s-a agravat din momentul cand casa lor a ars, pentru ca tanarul isi facea griji unde va trai mamica lui. Aceasta mama nu are nimeni in afara de Dionisie, sunt doar ei doi, nu vor sa piarda aceasta lupta insa ei nu se pot descurca de unii singuri. Doar operatia costa 7000 euro si dupa un tratament care la fel costa undeva la 4000 euro. Dragii nostri, am fost de la bun inceput alaturi de acest tanar, mamica nu mai are putere sa ne implore sa nu ii lasam, sunt foarte disperati si ne cer in genunchi ajutorul. Mana de la mana va imploram si noi sa ii salvam viata tanarului.