Save Anastasia!

10,163 USD Of the 40,000 required
370 Donations
181 In how many days was collected
Name Anastasia Șoimu
Amount required 40,000 US Dollar

From the heart to Anastasia Soimu

Anastasia was an expected child and after a normal pregnancy period she had to be born healthy and live happily with her parents. Unfortunately, the fate was unfair to her and now the child has cerebral palsy from birth. Nastenka was born on March 23, 2015 in Moscow, where a number of medical errors caused her strangulation with the umbilical cord. She was born dead (the Apgar score 1 ), only her heart was beating very feebly.

She was unconscious for about 20 minutes. Due to lack of oxygen, her brain was badly affected, especially those parts that are responsible for coordination centers. Immediately after birth, the doctors told their parents to expect the worst, because the girl will most likely die, however Anastasia continues to struggle and do everything possible to be with those who gave her life. During the first three days, she also had convulsions that affected the brain even more. Afterwards, she was in intensive care for one month and five days.

Such a joyful event as the birth of a child turned into a tragedy. A month passed after discharge and the child could not even cry or grab the breast. Up to seven months she was fed through a probe, then we switched to a spoon, but it was very difficult to feed her, sometimes it took an hour.

We constantly visited various clinics and rehabilitation centers, however Nastenka still can not sit, can not speak when she is hurt or when she wants to eat, does not walk, does not know how to play with toys or with her brother, who is eight months old. After a long search, we found the Medical Park clinic in Turkey, specializing in stem cell treatment, which could improve the situation of Nastenka !!!!!

We ask for help from people with big hearts, only you can give Nastenka a chance for a better life. This chance is treatment with stem cells. The treatment process takes four months and costs $ 40,000, which is a huge sum for us .... Please, we ask you to join us and help us save our daughter. Thanks you !! We are her only hope!

Campaign began in 4 December 2016
In how many days was collected 181
Created Soimu Natalia
Region Drochia
Category People with disabilities
Tatiana Silarin 3 Jun, 2017 00:46 130
50 USD
Anonymous donation 2 Jun, 2017 15:24 24
204 MDL
Anastasia Tataru 1 Jun, 2017 09:17 21
101 MDL
Elena Boaghe 1 Jun, 2017 06:56 7
200 MDL
Anonymous donation 31 May, 2017 21:37 2
400 MDL
All donations
5 Jun, 2017


1 Jun, 2017


26 Mar, 2017

Am dat start campaniei
