Good afternoon, dear friends! We ask all of you to help us!!! A disaster stroke our family. Our youngest sister, Anastasia Maraeva got a terrible disease. She is only 28 years old - a very young lady. The diagnosis is terrible: Hodgkin lymphoma (cancer of the lymph nodes). Nastia has been on painkillers for a year already. She always feels pain in neck, arms, and shoulders. She is very week and always feels fatigue. She also lost a lot of weight. All the funds of our family and friends have been spent fo the treatment we made so far. Nastia lives in Chisinau, but every month she needs to fly to a hospital in Turkey for diagnosis and treatment. It is crucial to stop this terrible disease. For the treatment we need a sum that we simply cannot afford. The treatment of this disease cannot be postponed. Every day is so precious in the fight against cancer. We still have a long and hard treatment ahead.
We appeal to all people of goodwill, please help us!!!
Any amount donated by you will bring our sister Nastia closer to recovery. Let us help Nastia restore her health and life !!!
Uraaa!!! Spunem Stop Donatii pentru Anastasia Maraeva. Cancerul a fost invins de frumoasa tanara, cu multa putere si vointa. Astazi Nastica va zice un MARE MULTUMESC pentru toate gandurile bune, incurajarile, donatiile si rugaciunile pentru ea. Este o a adevarata invingatoare, emotiile ne complesesc cand venim cu noutati frumoase catre voi, scumpii nostri ingeri pazitori, caci fara sustinerea voastra nu reusim sa schimbam destine, nu reusim sa facem minuni si sa aducem multe raze de bucurie pentru sufletele triste si incercate de viata. Cat este de placut si minunat sa venim cu asa noutati, cat este de placut sa va zicem ca CANCERUL A FOST INVINS. Anastasia Maraeva astazi este o invingatoare, acasa se intoarce inca un erou fericit si sanatosel. Multumim mult pentru toata sustinerea. Doar impreuna readucem raze de lumina si sperante multor oameni. Va multumim ca sunteti alaturi si ca va pasa.