Laura is a special child!
Nature took care of Laura and gave her beauty, intelligence and energy for the next 100 years.
But in the period from August 5 to September 15, after numerous tests, it was discovered that Laura has serious health problems.
When the world seemed so wonderful and when she was getting ready to put on the backpack and back to school, Laura was diagnosed with a rare form of osteosarcoma, which has developed at amazing speed in the coccyx region. Given the state of Laura at the moment, time is very limited, and we desperately ask all people of good will to helps us raise funds for Laura and to return the smile on her face and the glitter in her eyes.
Today, Laura is under the supervision of doctors of the Institute of Mother and Child, in the intensive care unit. With our support, we believe that Laura can be transferred for further examination and treatment abroad.
The chance of saving her is worth 38,000 US dollars, an amount that far exceeds our capacity.
Laura will be grateful for any support and vows to do everything possible to get back on her feet.
Let us help Laura and show her that this world is full of friends. We wish that all you have donated, to be returned to you tenfold.
Thank you so much for every donation!
Dragi donatori, o veste minunata pe ziua de astazi vine din partea mamicii Laurei. Adorabila si frumoasa Laura a INVINS CANCERUL! Ea se intoarce acasa sanatoasa, ea se intoarce acasa invingatoare. O adevarata luptatoare si un suflet atat de frumos, a invins cumplita boala. Suntem fericiti ca inca un EROU revine acasa. Va multumim cu plecaciune ca ati fost alaturi de micuta, si ca donatia Dvs a putut salva o minune de fetita. Parintii va multumesc pana la pamant, pentru sprijinul si sustinerea oferita. La randul sau noi va multumim ca existati si ca impreuna putem face mai multi copilasi sa aiba sansa de a lupta pentru viata. Multumim pentru ca sunteti alaturi atunci cand cel mai mult este nevoie, va multumim pentru minunile care se fac impreuna. De la suflet la suflet se schimba destine. Va multumim!