From the Heart to Zlata Ignatiuc

6,965 EUR Of the 46,400 required
553 Donations
14 Days left
Age 5 years
Amount required 46,400 Euro

A message from her mother:

Our family has been struck by a tragedy we never saw coming. Our daughter will turn 5 this September. Just 10 days ago, we noticed some alarming changes in her behavior. Zlata’s coordination worsened, and she became weak. At night, she started suffering from intense internal heat, accompanied by panic attacks. We took her instantly to the ANAMED medical center in Comrat, where an urgent MRI revealed a malignant tumor. We were immediately transferred to the pediatric neurosurgery unit in Chișinău, where the diagnosis was confirmed.

Diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG) — this is the name of the disease that has turned our lives upside down. Doctors from Germany, Russia, and Turkey have confirmed the diagnosis. Surgery is not an option, and the only possible treatment is radiotherapy.

We are currently in Turkey. Today, Zlata had a session of radiotherapy. She has become more cheerful, laughing and running around like she used to before the diagnosis. The initial treatment plan is for 30 days, but to continue, we need to cover an enormous cost that we simply cannot afford.

We are appealing to everyone who cares! We are so grateful for any help — every donation will give our little girl a chance at a longer life! We truly hope for your compassion, understanding, and support.

This is also a message to all parents — please be vigilant about changes in your children’s health and behavior. Take care of them and cherish them!

Campaign began in 9 July 2024
Days left 14
Created P CaritateMD
Region Or. Singerei
Category Social
Anonymous donation 21 Feb, 2025 16:21 7
97 MDL
Sergiu Darie 21 Feb, 2025 00:13
109 MDL
Anonymous donation 20 Feb, 2025 18:29 3
500 MDL
SMS Unite 20 Feb, 2025 12:48
45 MDL
Tel: 373*****12
Calin Alina 20 Feb, 2025 11:10 4
50 MDL
All donations
17 Feb, 2025

Durere fara margini pentru micuta Zlata... O dulceata de fetita ce trece prin dureri greu de imaginat... Chimioterapie, perfuzii, injectii, voma, dureri insuportabile, lacrimi, strigat de ajutor si multa suferinta... toate acetse stari i-au adus un singur cuvant: CANCERUL... Este cel care vrea sa ii rapeasca viata aceste micute(((( Puiul are nevoie de ajutorul nostru sa isi salveze viata... Este acum la tratament si pentru a putea continua tratamentul parintii trebuie sa achite o suma imposibila pentru ei: peste 46.000 euro. Este o suma ce au pus doi parinti la pamant de greutati si o suma ce decide VIATA ZLATEI((((

 Dragi oameni cu suflet mare, Dumnezeu intotdeauna lucreaza prin OAMENI, iar pentru a ajuta aceasta fetita ce este in chinuri zilnice, nu este nevoie de mult.... O DISTRIBUIRE, O DONATIE CATUSI DE MICUTA, de la multi cei care suntem aici pe aceasta pagina i-am oferi sansa la viata... Minuni exista si cu un minim de 10-20 lei de la fiecare, putem aduce in inima mamei SPERANTA ca fetita ei poate fi salvata...

Impreuna putem ajuta ca ZLATA sa traiasca, e nevoie doar de dorinta noastra, a oamenilor...

Te rugam ajuta aici, din orice tara sau colt al lumii te afla, cu cat te lasa inima:



9 Jul, 2024

Am dat start campaniei
