From the heart to Yuri Vacari

2,924 EUR Of the 91,450 required
132 Donations
20 In how many days was collected
Age 30 years
Amount required 91,450 Euro

A message from his mother:

Hello. I am the mother of Yuri Vacari. 

Today, with a heavy heart, I turn to you with a desperate plea for help for my beloved son. Yuri, who is 30 years old, has been diagnosed with lymphoma - a cruel disease that has turned our lives upside down. He has already undergone 7 courses of chemotherapy, but his condition has not improved.

Our local medical resources are limited, and the best chance for his recovery is to receive specialized treatment abroad. However, the cost of treatment is exorbitant, far beyond what we can afford.

Yuri is an extraordinary young man, full of dreams, ambitions, and spirit. His life promises many hopes, and I deeply wish for him to recover, follow his dreams, and once again enjoy life. I cannot bear the thought of losing my precious son, and I will not allow this disease to steal his future.

From the bottom of our hearts, we ask for the help of anyone who can support us, as we truly need your assistance. Every donation, no matter how small, can bring us one step closer to getting the treatment that Yuri desperately needs.

Please, do not pass by Yuri's fate. As a mother whose heart aches for her son's serious illness, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support, prayers, and unwavering belief in the power of love and compassion.

With sincere gratitude, Tatiana Vasilyevna Vacari 

Campaign began in 7 July 2023
In how many days was collected 20
Created P CaritateMD
Region Chișinău
Category Social
Anonymous donation 27 Jul, 2023 13:43 2
500 MDL
Maxim Chiriac 27 Jul, 2023 11:56 23
5,000 MDL
Anonymous donation 26 Jul, 2023 18:51 4
10 EUR
Anonymous donation 25 Jul, 2023 12:46 2
1,000 MDL
Юрий, желаем скорейшего выздоровления, чтобы Бог помог тебе полностью восстановиться.
Anonymous donation 25 Jul, 2023 09:36
200 MDL
All donations
4 Aug, 2023
7 Jul, 2023

Am dat start campaniei
