From the heart to Vladislav Turcan

17,514 USD Of the 17,500 required
96 Donations
104 In how many days was collected
Name Dina Turcan
Age 6 years
Amount required 17,500 US Dollar

  • Nume: Vladislav
  • Prenume: Turcan
  • Vârstă: 6 years old
  • Diagnoz:  Vladic does not have a right ear
  • Suma necesară: 17500 $
  • Tratament: SUA, at the Hearing Institute in California

I address these words to you, to help my son Vladic!

Vladic is our long-awaited and first child. We have beeen waiting for him, for 16 years of marriage. When he was born we were extremely happy. But only a few minutes after he was born, I saw that Vladic does not have a right ear, and where there should be the auditory canal, there was only a small lump. Along with happiness came fear.

Now Vladic is 6 years old. Unfortunately, his speech develops with delay. Doctors say that this is
the consequence of his hearing problem. My son has difficulties
percieving the world,
he can determine the direction from which he was called or from what side the car is coming. Vladic is very communicative, he talks with other children, but sometimes children do not understand him because of his speech problems. Knowing that with age the skull bone thickens and as a
consequence worsens the sound conduction from the right side, the situation can get much worse.

After several reasearches, we learned that in the USA, at the Hearing Institute in California, we can restore his hearing. Our family decided that this is the chance that we should take advantage of, to help Vladic recover his hearing. But the cost of the surgery is very high-85,000 $. Independently our family cannot collect this sum. But we already paid an advance of $ 5000 for the surgery. It is scheduled for May 1, 2018. With our own forces, we will be able collect another $ 25,000, no more. Now, we knock on all the doors. There are no other opportunities for our family. Without the donor’s help, it is not possible to collect the other $ 17500. Dear donors! Help Vladic hear the world

Best regards,
Vlad's mother.

Campaign began in 6 December 2017
In how many days was collected 104
Created P CaritateMD
Region Chisinau
Category Social
Anonymous donation 20 Mar, 2018 11:56
14,000 USD
Sa fie puiul sanatos
Anonymous donation 19 Mar, 2018 22:12 6
Anonymous donation 17 Mar, 2018 19:59 79
50 MDL
Anonymous donation 17 Mar, 2018 00:45 22
30 EUR
Anonymous donation 16 Mar, 2018 21:50 272
22 MDL
All donations
