In our family, Vladimir was the first, long awaited child. It is impossible to describe how happy me and my husband were, after learning about the long-awaited pregnancy. Feelings and emotions overwhelmed us! In anticipation of the baby, we carefully prepared, we wanted to be the best parents in the world, to make the baby feel welocmed and loved. Pregnancy proceeded with toxicosis, we were hospitalized twice because of the low position of the fetus. We were discharged in worse condition than we were before hospitalization... Perhaps if we refused to go to the hospital, we could avoid such consequences. A mother's heart refuses to understand that not everything in life can be predicted and corrected ...
On November 18th, at night, during the the 32 week of pregancy, the birth activity began and lasted for 16.5 hours. Doctors did not hurry to make the delivery, assuring us that the baby is all right. "We must wait, the baby is premature" - they said. After two hormone injections we made the cesarean. We could hear our little fighter! But he could not breathe on his own until a week later. Vovka was born very tiny, with a weight of 1870g, a height of 42 cm. After 7 days of intensive care we were transferred to grooming unit in Morozovskaya hospital. We hoped that the worst was over, but Vovka had a severe form of pneumonia on two sides, a cyst in the brain was formed causing oxygen starvation. We had to install more than one catheter under general anesthesia because of blood counts, which jumped all the time, vision began to fall (retinopathy). He undertook surgery when he was 2 months old, at that time we already had two anesthesia. It's hard to remember what we had to endure, 2 months of struggle for a life. With a weight of 2 kg and an incomprehensible neurological prognosis for the future, we were sent home.
Up to 6 months, we did not make any rehabilitation, oculists forbid us to do this, due to the surgery performed on the eyes. We saw that something is wrong in the child's development, but we prefered to think positively. Anesthesia, oxygen starvation, hemorrhage, were not in vain ...
At 6 months the verdict of doctors was sounded: "The diagnosis of cerebral palsy is in doubt." That's when our wanderings began in hospitals in order to struggle for the health of our little one. But when my son was 7 months old our family was struck by a new disaster.
Everything happened at Hospital nr. 18 after a week of rehabilitation course, only after EEG monitoring doctors realized that Vovka has epilepsy. At that time there were no visible seizures . Later, Vovka began to have daily epileptic seizures. For 2.6 years, we could not defeat epilepsy, but we began to look for a different way of rehabilitation, which will not exacerbate our condition and give Vovka a chance to develop, albeit slowly, but surely. Chance for a further life without seizures and pain.
We started studying under the program "Institute for the Achievement of Human Potential" (USA). Even if we are at the initial stage, Vovka has already improved some basic comprehension skills.
So far, we managed to go through 6 massage courses, Bobat classes, engaged in joint gymnastics, Vojta-therapy, a speech therapist, visited the osteopath, take prescribed neurological medication and regularly go to swimming pool with an instructor.
In 2,6 years Vovka is able to: keep his head more or less confidently, stand on his legs, there are some emotional responses: he can be offended or smiles when someone praises him. He likes to listen to fairy tales and music , he has favorites. Due to pool lessons, Vovka began to feel and understand his body!
We are making every effort to ensure that our child gets better and Vovka helps us in this, despite all the misfortunes, he does not give up, he shows incredible courage and willpower! We also have no rights to surrender!
We can move only forward, with little, but confident steps ... Behind all this there is a huge hard work of our little son, our parents, relatives, friends and specialists.
Help our son to get on a vital rehabilitation!!!
We ask you to give him a chance for a happy life, a life without seizures and pain!!!
Vovochka needs people who care from all over the world, only together, we can collect the necessary amount of money!
Thank you, Kind people! God bless You!!!
Without the help of sensitive and responsive people we can not cope!