From the heart to Veaceslav Saufert

6,768 EUR Of the 5,000 required
275 Donations
30 In how many days was collected
Age 32 years
Amount required 5,000 Euro

Hello, my name is Veaceslav Saufert, I am 32 years old and I live in Ialoveni. I have been in a wheelchair since i was born. After the birth, I underwent a surgery and the doctors affected the spinal nerve. Since then, for 32 years, I am unable to walk. But, despite all the difficulties, I did not lose hope and faith in God and in people of goodwill. If I could describe myself in a few words - I am an energetic young man, very optimistic, I have great faith God, I am very ambitious and courageous in all my endeavors. I have never lost hope and never stopped fighting for my future. I also practiced several sports - basketball, tennis and dancing. But now my biggest dream is to buy a new wheelchair, because the one I have is very old and small. Because of this, sometimes I cannot even leave the house. Unfortunately, the cost of a new wheelchair is too high and I cannot afford to buy one. Therefore, I decided to ask for your support and I sincerely hope that someone can help me fulfill my dream: to buy a new, comfortable wheelchair.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart

With deepest respect, Veaceslav Saufert!

Campaign began in 2 September 2020
In how many days was collected 30
Created P CaritateMD
Region orașul Ialoveni
Category Social
Anonymous donation 2 Oct, 2020 10:13
3,000 EUR
Dar din dar se face rai, banii au fost redirectionati de la cazul Din inimă pentru Alexandra Stavila
Anonymous donation 25 Sep, 2020 01:32 7
30 EUR
Anonymous donation 23 Sep, 2020 17:00 53
Cristina Ungureanu 21 Sep, 2020 10:29
50 EUR
De la Iulian și Cristina Ungureanu pentru un om cu suflet mare, Veaceslav Saufert! Sa-ti fie de bine, Căci știm cât de mult ai nevoie de un ,,transport” de calitate!
Anonymous donation 20 Sep, 2020 21:58 23
24 MDL
All donations
15 Dec, 2020


2 Sep, 2020

Am dat start campaniei
