From the heart to Vasilica Gonciar

81,331 EUR Of the 100,000 required
882 Donations
96 In how many days was collected
Name Vasile Gonciar
Age 13 years
Amount required 100,000 Euro

My name is Vasile Gonchar, I am a master from the ancient dynasty of potters from the village of Hoginesti, which seem to be lost in the past, like the art of traditional ceramics handed down over thousands of years from generation to generation.

Everything changed since the birth of Vasilica, an event that radically transformed my life. I decided to return from abroad to my native country, to my roots, and to do what I had always dreamed of: to create a place under the sun for my family and for my descendant - Vasilica. I gave him all the knowledge that he inherited from our ancestors and which I managed to learn by myself, I gave him the love for the homeland and taught him to be proud that he is Moldovan.

I have done a lot in this life, I consider myself to be a happy person and I am proud of my son, who is already formed as a person, as a kind and generous man at only 13 years old. About a month ago, we suffered a misfortune, God sent us a heavy burden. During one month, Vasilica - a child who has never been sick, began to struggle for his life, as I began to struggle for the meaning of my life. Vasilica had symptoms of poisoning, laryngitis and red eyes. He was found to have a malformation. Now we are fighting for his life, doing everything possible to save him.

I understand that soon my possibilities will be exhausted, and I urge the entire society to support us in the struggle for the life of Vasilica. The disease becomes more dangerous every day. The treatment has begun and so far it has been successful. We hope that with the help of kind people and Lord’s blessing we will be able to save our son.

The amount that exceeds our possibilities is 100 thousand euros.
Thank you in advance.

Campaign began in 29 September 2017
In how many days was collected 96
Created Fatima Thompson
Region Hoginesti
Category Social
BPay Terminal 3 Jan, 2018 09:29
100 MDL
Numărul cecului: 106516435068582
Scutelnic Veronica 7 Dec, 2017 14:00
4,238 MDL
Sergiu Gidei 17 Nov, 2017 12:43 7
200 MDL
Anonymous donation 17 Nov, 2017 11:03
60,000 EUR
Anonymous donation 17 Nov, 2017 00:12 2
200 MDL
All donations
5 Sep, 2018
11 May, 2018

Dragii nostri, priviti Eroul ce a invins cancerul. Vasilica Gonciar s-a intors acasa sanatos. Rugaciunile noastre au fost auzite iar minunea s-a intamplat in familia Gonciar.

Vasilica este un adevarat luptator si invingator. Multumim dragii nostri pentru ca impreuna am putut face ca in aceasta lupta Vasilica sa fie invingator. Multumim cu plecaciune medicilor MedicalPark pentru toata munca si eforturile depuse in lupta grea cu cancerul. Multumim dragi ingeri pazitori ca va pasa si ca nu treceti cu vederea durerea acestor copilasi. Inca un destin schimbat, inca un copil sanatos. Vasilica va multumeste pana la pamant pentru viata salvata!



11 Mar, 2018

Dragii nostri, va transmitem mesajul tatalui catre toti cei care l-au sustinut pe Vasilica: "Vasilică pe 8 Martie s-a născut din nou şi acuma a devenit copilul tuturor care au contribuit în a-i da a doua şansă la viață".

Minunea s-a intamplat, dupa cinici luni de lupta grea, chinuitoare dar cu o vointa puternica, Vasilica a reusit sa fie un INVINGATOR. Cu toate ca tumoarea era atat de mare, incat ii ocupa tot spatiul dintre plamani si inima, medicii au facut o minune, iar rugaciunile noastre au fost auzite. Tumoarea a fost eliminata in intregime.

Multumim cu plecaciune pentru o viata salvata, pentru o sansa oferita la timp, pentru puterea, sprijinul si sustinerea oferita familiei. Multumim ca sunteti alaturi si doar impreuna putem salva vieti aduce speranta acolo unde nu mai era.


Am dat start campaniei
