From the heart to Vadim Surachi

2,228 EUR Of the 5,610 required
126 Donations
443 In how many days was collected
Age 34 years
Amount required 5,610 Euro

A message from his mom: 

My name is Elena, I am the mother of Vadim, a former firefighter from the village of Trebisauti, Briceni district, who is 34 years old. I have a request to all generous people who will read this message. Since the summer of 2015, my son has been bedridden with complete body paralysis after a traumatic brain injury. During these 7 years, we have gone through hell, and only God  helped my son stay alive, because even the doctors did not give him a chance. I didn’t give up and he underwent 5 surgeries, he underwent countless rehabilitation procedures both in the country and abroad. We recently returned from a Turkish clinic after 3 weeks of rehab and the results encouraged us to keep going, but I ended up unable to pay for all of these rehabs. As a mother, I wish with all my heart that Vadim could eat on his own and walk again. Wherever I've been, the costs are very high - I'm a lonely widow and Vadim is my only son. I appeal to all people with kind hearts and ask you to help us overcome these difficulties so that I can put my child on his feet. 

Sincerely, best regards from Surachi family. 

Campaign began in 13 December 2022
In how many days was collected 443
Created P CaritateMD
Region r. Briceni, s. Trebisăuți
Category Social
FILIPP ALEXANDR 29 Feb, 2024 16:02
50 MDL
ajutor material pu Surachi Vadim
Anonymous donation 15 Jan, 2024 22:10
50 MDL
Alexandru Gaidau 12 Nov, 2023 16:32 106
57 MDL
Ghennadii Dumbroveanu 27 Aug, 2023 06:06 11
100 EUR
Anonymous donation 12 Aug, 2023 23:25 631
782 MDL
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