From the heart to Tatiana Svet

35,010 USD Of the 35,000 required
1733 Donations
60 In how many days was collected
Name Tatiana Svet
Age 16 years
Amount required 35,000 US Dollar
Diagnostic Scoliosis, IV-th degree

A message from mother:

Dear people of good will, I am desperate and I ask you to help my 16-year-old daughter. Tatiana is my daughter, she suffers from IV-th degree scoliosis. Unfortunately, the situation is getting worse, and our only chance is a surgery that cannot be performed in our country. All these years I tried to find a treatment for my daughter to get rid of all her torment, but, unfortunately, unsuccessfully. Now our only salvation is the surgery, which is very expensive for our family. We need $35,000 for spine surgery. This amount of money is huge, so we ask you, people with kind hearts, to help us, to help Tatyana to recover.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Campaign began in 30 July 2021
In how many days was collected 60
Created P CaritateMD
Region Or. Sângerei
Category Social
Anonymous donation 28 Sep, 2021 02:28 12
10 EUR
Iti urez multa sanatate, Taniusha! Esti minunata, Ingerii buni sa-ti fie alaturi!
Anonymous donation 28 Sep, 2021 01:38 82
1,451 MDL
Hristos a inviat! bland, bun si milostiv este Domnul. Nu va temeti caci cu noi este Dumnezeu!
Dan Siminea 25 Sep, 2021 22:26 82
814 MDL
Tatiana, sa te ajute bunul Dumnezeu Hristos si Maica Sa cea preacurata! Doamne ajuta!
Oleg Corduneanu 24 Sep, 2021 19:43 16
50 MDL
Anonymous donation 24 Sep, 2021 17:32 139
442 MDL
Doamne ajuta.
All donations
2 Jun, 2022


5 Oct, 2021


13 Sep, 2021


23 Aug, 2021
30 Jul, 2021

Am dat start campaniei
