From the heart to Stepan Constantinov

132 EUR Of the 3,500 required
11 Donations
92 In how many days was collected
Name Сашка Кристиогло
Age 21 years
Amount required 3,500 Euro

We need your help! My name is Svetlana. I live in Comrat, I have two beautiful children. My 22-year-old son Constantinov Stepan was in a terrible motorcycle accident. In literal sense, he fell under the tractor. As a result of this accident, my son was taken in serious condition to the district hospital in Comrat, and subsequently to Chisinau in a state of coma. He was diagnosed with acute craniocerebral trauma and fracture of the arch on the base of the skull, fracture of the skull in the temporal region, hemorrhage and cerebral edema, temporomandibular hematoma on the right side, jaw fracture in three places, blunt chest beat, fracture of the right leg with multiple ruptures of muscles and tendons in the shin area, dislocation of the left leg in the knee joint with ligament rupture. He has been in intensive care for a week already. We have a lot of surgery to do that will cost a lot of money. Financialy we are a simple and modest family, but we have a lot of expenditures for drugs and treatment of our son. We really need your help

Campaign began in 14 July 2017
In how many days was collected 92
Created вова Пирон
Region Молдавия,Кирсова
Category Social
Apeluri UNITE 13 Oct, 2017 15:09
386 MDL
Colectat prin apeluri telefonie fixă UNITE
Apeluri UNITE 25 Sep, 2017 15:09
282 MDL
Colectat prin apeluri telefonie fixă UNITE
Rodica Rodica 18 Sep, 2017 21:13 19
600 MDL
Sanatate,domnul sa va aiba in paza
Anonymous donation 10 Sep, 2017 15:07 394
10 EUR
iulius manea 31 Aug, 2017 21:24 4
All donations
