From the heart to Sebastian Popovici

5,511 EUR Of the 16,684 required
406 Donations
59 In how many days was collected
Amount required 16,684 Euro

A message from his mother:

My name is Adriana Popovici and I am a type 1 diabetic. I am the mother of a little boy, Sebastian (born May 20, 2021), the first child that I have been waiting for so long. At the 24th week of pregnancy, I was told that the boy in my womb had heart problems, Fallot's tetralogy, and he will require a surgery. After the birth, we were told that the surgery would be at 9 months, but at 6 months Sebastian felt very ill and we were hospitalized at the Republican Hospital, where preparations for the surgery started. The day before, cauterization was performed and a very rare case of the disease was detected. The doctor told me that the last time this kind of surgery was performed was in 1998. In order to perform this surgery, additional information and examinations are needed. The surgery abroad costs 17,500 euros. I sincerely ask you to help me, because this amount is too much for us. We are a hard working family, but now we are not able to quickly raise the required sum of money. Please help me save my child.

Campaign began in 8 February 2022
In how many days was collected 59
Created P CaritateMD
Region Orasul Rezina
Category Social
Andoni Mihail 7 Apr, 2022 17:58 2
20 USD
Anonymous donation 5 Apr, 2022 17:37 127
Jderu George 5 Apr, 2022 13:42
61 MDL
Mihaela Moroz 3 Apr, 2022 20:14 15
1,833 MDL
Anonymous donation 3 Apr, 2022 12:20 20
305 MDL
All donations
24 Mar, 2022


3 Mar, 2022


24 Feb, 2022


8 Feb, 2022

Am dat start campaniei
