The first asylum for lonely elders was opened in 1993 in Straseni town for 30 people which was founded by the humanitarian organization A.O. ORA INTERNATIONAL MOLDOVA. People from several localities from Republic of Moldova have found shelter here. In 2013, the project was suspended due to the expiration of the housing contract and as a result 16 old people remained homeless .
From April 2016, due to the understanding attitude of the Orhei District Council, the beneficiaries from the asylum from Straseni moved to the former hospital in the Ghetlova village, Orhei district. The building was equiped and thermo-insulated on the outside by unique sponsorships from abroad.
AO ORA GHETLOVA is responsible from 1st November 2016 for the project suport of "Placement center for old people GRANDPARENT'S HOUSE" from Ghetlova village, Orhei district. At the moment at the centrer there are 36 beneficiaries aged between 60-90, of whom 18 can not move and stay in bed. Many of the elderly are not visited by anyone.
The most pressing issue now is the change of 38 old and worn-out windows, which do not keep the temperature and adversely affect the the seniors during the cold period of the year, especially in bathrooms and toilets. Under these circumstances, it is impossible to ventilate the rooms of unpleasant odors, which persist because of sick and diaper wearing seniors, affecting the comfort of the center.
From the analysis of the primary calculations for the cost of windows with interior and exterior window sills, assembly works, finishing works the necessary amount is indicatively 120 000 lei. In order to succeed with the assembly works until the beginning of the cold season, we want to start the works in stages, while the funds are collected.
That's why we are in the search for and we appeal to kindness and generosity of people of good faith to help us to change the windows until the cold season, to improve the situation of people of whom we are taking care and to reduce the heating costs of the building. This will be the first step, but very important, to create better conditions for our seniors.
Dragii nostri, caminul de batranei din s. Ghetlova, sunt fericiti ca niciodata. In urma campaniei lansate, astazi ei se bucura de instalarea completa a geamurilor pentru 2 etaje. Sufletele lor la iarna se vor incalzi datorita oamenilor ce nu au fost indiferenti de doleantele lor. Au fost auziti de multi dintre noi, si astazi avem impreuna cu Dvs un rezultat minunat. Donatiile Dvs au adus in ajunul sarbatorilor de iarna, multa fericire bucurie pe fata batraneilor nostri, pentru ca cea mai mare fericire a lor a fost sa nu inghete la iarna. Dar cel mai important este ca noi, am putut face, ca acesti minunati batranei, sa nu sa se simta singuri si ca nu sunt uitati. Este cea mai mare reusita pe care impreuna cu Dvs am putut face pentru ei. Pentru ca ei sunt cei ce au dat viata pentru viata, echipa a venit cu cadouri de Craciun: a fost adus in dar azilului un TV, aspirator, cuptor cu microunde si masina de uscat haine. Multumim tuturor donatorilor pentru ca impreuna am putut incalzi un camin intreg de batranei. Multumim ca existati!
Scumpii si dragii nostri salvatori ce incalzesc sufletele acestor batranei. Astazi cu cea mai mare bucurie va anuntam ca s-au inceput de dimineata montarea geamurilor la etajul 1. Bucuria batraneilor nu o vom putem reda, cat sunt de fericiti ca au fost auziti de catre noi. Dorintele lor ca sa nu inghete la iarna au fost auzite de zeci de omuleti ce au donat pentru acesti minunati oameni. Pentru ca va pasa de batraneii nostri, pentru ca am putut intelege doleantele lor, cu ajutorul tuturor am putut face ca zilelele lor sa fie mai frumoase si mai senine, fara frig, cu multa caldura si la propiu si la figurat. Va multumim ca respectul aratat fata de ei sunt faptele noastre. A mai ramas de facut un mic efort pentru ei ca sa fie in intregime schimbate geamurile. Avem colectati jumatate din cea necesara, de aceea va rugam sa fiti alaturi de ei pana la urma, pentru ca ei sunt cei care au data viata pentru viata, din putinul care este vom face ca batraneii nostri sa uite din greutatile vietii. Ei merita o batranete linistita fara griji. Multumim pentru toata sustinerea de pana acum, inca un pic si ii facem fericiti pe deplin.