From the heart to Petru Mocanu

2,081 EUR Of the 2,000 required
94 Donations
21 In how many days was collected
Name Mocanu Petru
Amount required 2,000 Euro

Surname Mocanu
Name: Petra
Required assistance: purchase or repair of the house after the fire
Required amount: 2000 Euro

The 73-year-old husband of woman who burned in her own house in the village of Sinesti, Ungheni district, is now homeless and temporarily lives with his relatives. The fire occurred on Tuesday, and in the house, besides the victim's husband, who was bedridden, there was a niece and a woman who was taking care of the old lady.

They managed to get out of the flames in time.

"I quickly got out of the house, the old woman remained inside and and she was calling for help."

With great pain, the victim's husband tells us that the fire started in the room where their 12-year-old niece and the woman who was caring for his wife was.

The fire burned almost all their home and now the old man does not have a roof over his head. The man will live with his brother. Any help can help him repair the house or buy a new one. I ask you from the bottom of my heart to help this old man.

Campaign began in 12 April 2019
In how many days was collected 21
Created P CaritateMD
Region r. Ungheni s. Sinesti
Category Social
Anonymous donation 2 May, 2019 22:28 94
13,000 MDL
Varnic Cristina 30 Apr, 2019 10:04 3
300 MDL
Diana Potin 29 Apr, 2019 22:32 59
20 EUR
Anonymous donation 28 Apr, 2019 20:29 677
11 USD
Anonymous donation 28 Apr, 2019 00:29 43
178 MDL
All donations
12 Oct, 2020


12 Apr, 2019

Am dat start campaniei
