Good afternoon! My name is Lucia, we live in Telenesti district, in the village of Mandresti, and we have three children. Our girl Polina, who is 1 year and 4 months old, was born with a vice on her left arm. Doctors’ diagnosis was hemangioma. At first we thought that the disease is temporary and will eventually pass. But the girl's condition worsened. We spent a lot of time in hospitals, followed various treatments, but had no results. Therefore, we now need to go abroad. We found a clinic in Turkey: Acibadem, where our girl will undergo surgery. But we need a huge amount of money. For starters, for research and analysis we need 5000 euros. After that, doctors will tell us what surgeries, treatment and rehabilitation we require. The full amount will be known later. With tears in my eyes, I appeal to all people with big heart and I ask you to help us. I want my child to be healthy and happy. I beg you from the bottom of my heart: help me cure my little girl! Thank you!
Dragii nostri, micuta Paulina astazi a fost operata cu succes. Plecaciuni tuturor oamenilor, multumim pana la pamant pentru ajutorul oferit Paulinei. Mama plange de fericire pentru ca fetita ei a primit sansa de a se face bine.
Multumim, ingeri pazitori pentru sustinerea si increderea zilnica.