From the heart to Mihail Cherdivara

85,599 MDL Of the 82,400 required
170 Donations
8 In how many days was collected
Name Mihail Cherdivara
Age 60 years
Amount required 82,400 Moldova Lei
Treatment Moldova
Diagnostic Leg prosthetics

My name is Anastasia and I appeal to you, people of goodwill, for help and support. At the beginning of the year, our family had the misfortune of contracting COVID-19. My family members went through this ordeal, but not without consequences, especially in the case of my father.
Unfortunately, after complications from COVID-19, my father lost his leg due to thrombosis.
He underwent a surgery to unclog the arteries, during which blood circulation returned to normal, but due to the lost time, the tissues did not return to normal, and 7 days after the surgery, the process of leg necrosis began. This news turned our world upside down, and the doctors had to amputate his leg, trying to save as much material as possible. The surgeon who operated on my dad said that it would be good to start the rehabilitation process a month after the amputation and that in 3 months we can put in a prosthesis. This time frame is vital for dad so that he doesn't forget how to walk, and for his muscles not to degrade.
A month passed after the surgery, and at the insistence of the surgeon, I went to the Prosthetics Center to inquire about the possibility of prosthetics, but there i received bad news. According to their rules and due to bureaucracy, my father can only apply for prosthesis only 6 months after the amputation. This means that we will have to start everything from scratch (consultations, measurements, rehabilitation and all subsequent procedures) and precious time will be lost.
However, there is a way to solve this problem by purchasing a modern prosthesis, and most importantly in the shortest possible time.
This prosthesis costs about 82,400 lei - a huge amount that we cannot afford, no matter how much we want to see our father happy and full of life, as he was before. This is why I ask for your help.

Please, help us bring back the smile on my father's face and the joy in our family!

Campaign began in 6 May 2021
In how many days was collected 8
Created P CaritateMD
Region orașul Ialoveni
Category Social
Viesa Silvia 14 May, 2021 09:48
1,000 MDL
Nicolae Andronache 8 May, 2021 22:34 4
100 USD
Angela Luca 8 May, 2021 21:44 15
50 EUR
Cristina Condrea 8 May, 2021 21:24 3
50 USD
Viața continua, va doresc mult curaj și sănătate!
Paraschiv Marina 8 May, 2021 21:10
4,360 MDL
All donations
21 Jun, 2021
6 May, 2021

Am dat start campaniei
