A message from her mother:
We are in a lot of pain and we are morally exhausted, however once again we appeal to your generosity and ask you to support us in these difficult times.
Mihaela's condition changed after she broke her tooth in October and her gums started to bleed. On January 16, I fell on the ice with her in my arms and she broke her leg, which is still in a cast.
Mihaela has already spent a year with a new heart for which you all have contributed.
Since the beginning of February, the situation has deteriorated sharply. Micaela's liver tests have reached a critical level, she has no appetite, she has diarrhea, if she eats, she immediately vomits.
At the moment, we are hospitalized in the intensive care unit in Chisinau, we have been here for three weeks, and when it seemed that everything was getting better, the tests again rose to a critical level. Since we are in a very serious condition, we need to be transported by a plane that arrives from Turkey with a doctor who performed her heart surgery.