From the heart to Marta and Maria monastery from the village of Hagimus

236 EUR Of the 21,000 required
14 Donations
111 In how many days was collected
Name Ion Balan
Amount required 21,000 Euro

Hello, we are writing this letter with hope that people of goodwill will support us in our project to build the lake dam at the Marta and Maria Monastery from the village of Hagimus in the Causeni district. We are a group of initiators who have been promoting since 2006 European and American modern technologies and materials on Moldovan market. In 2013, we met Father Andrey - the archimandrite of Marta and Maria monastery. We talked with him for hours and he told us that the lake on the territory of the monastery needs to be repaired. This monastery is located near the village of Hagimus and is a real treasure of this region. It is a place of worship and tranquility, a spiritual hearth filled with divine spirit. Built on forest slopes, this is one of the oases of southern Bessarabia, it is a real bastion of ancient faith. Therefore, we ask everyone to support us in building the lake dam in this holy place.


With hope that we will find people who will be ready to contribute.

Thank you in advance and God help us!

Campaign began in 4 February 2018
In how many days was collected 111
Created P CaritateMD
Region r. Causeni
Category Social
Anonymous donation 25 May, 2018 19:19 25
29 MDL
Anonymous donation 4 May, 2018 22:54 227
fie ca Domnul sa binecuvinteze aceste lucrări și orice lucru bun ce v-ați pus in plan sa îl faceti. Slava Domnului ca nu sunt bogata, de aceea va dau după putinta care mi-a dat Domnul la momentul dat
Bubser Flavia 20 Apr, 2018 19:19 8
40 USD
Anonymous donation 17 Mar, 2018 12:43 17
200 MDL
Anonymous donation 12 Mar, 2018 20:47 103
10 USD
All donations
