A message from mother:
This is Marin-Madalin, he is an angel who recently came in our family - a long-awaited, sweet and desired child. When our little boy started taking his first steps, we felt great pain because we realized that he was not like other children. Heartbreaking pain swept over me as a mother when I looked at him and saw my past. He inherited this disease from me, and I felt guilty ... Many examinations followed, many doctors, many opinions, a lot of pain, and finally we were informed that Madalin has a rare disease: tubulopathy (deformation of the lower limbs). Since then, the hospital has become a second home for us: a lot of procedures, medications and new examinations. It is painful for us to see this, but with age, his condition worsens, the skeleton continues to deform. Unfortunately, there is no treatment for this disease, but a surgery can be performed to ease his pain ... As a mother, I grab any chance, any opportunity to save my child from suffering. Now we have this chance, but the surgery we require is very expensive. I beg and bow before all of you and I ask each of you to help us save Madalin, so he could run and play with children of his age and become a happy, healthy child, who lives without pain... I ask you from the bottom of my heart to lend us a helping hand.
Thank you very much!