From the heart to Mariana Bumbac

8,400 USD Of the 12,000 required
422 Donations
594 In how many days was collected
Name Olga Frunza
Age 41 years
Amount required 12,000 US Dollar

• Surname: Bumbac
• First name: Mariana
• Age: 41 
• Diagnosis: breast cancer
• Required amount: USD 12,000
• Treatment: Russia

My name is Olga Frunza from the village of Pirlita, in Falesti district and I have a huge request for my daughter. I write these words for all people with kind heart with the hope they could help us. In March, my daughter Mariana Bumbac went to the doctor with pain in the chest area. After examinations she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Earlier, my daughter and her husband went to Russia to earn some money, while I was taking care of my grandchildren. But now life has given us a heavy blow, my daughter started treatment in a clinic in Russia, but the costs are huge for us. My son-in-law works from dusk till dawn, but it is difficult for him to cope alone, especially since he always accompanies Mariana to examinations, takes care of her. We managed to collect some money from relatives, friends and acquaintances from our village, but, unfortunately, are not able to collect the entire sum. Expenses reach 12 000 dollars. I ask you to help us, because I feel helpless: I cannot be near her, calm her, and ease her pain. I beg you to help us, and we hope that God will help her recover - after all, her children are waiting for their mom to come home.

Thank you for your support!

Campaign began in 6 August 2018
In how many days was collected 594
Created P CaritateMD
Region r. Falesti
Category Social
SMS Moldcell 21 Mar, 2020 11:00
45 MDL
February tel:78****92
Anonymous donation 18 Mar, 2020 20:27 110
50 EUR
Alexandrina Panfil 23 Jan, 2020 00:20 3
20 EUR
Lilia Lebada 12 Jan, 2020 20:26 4
20 EUR
Olesea Hartanu 12 Jan, 2020 14:08 43
10 USD
All donations
4 Jan, 2019


13 Dec, 2018


6 Aug, 2018

Am dat start campaniei
