From the heart to Maria Vacarciuc

20,584 EUR Of the 45,000 required
1539 Donations
127 In how many days was collected
Name Maria Vacarciuc
Age 33 years
Amount required 45,000 Euro
Treatment Austria
Diagnostic Stomach cancer

A message from friends:

Just a year ago, Maria (33 years old) became the mother of
a long-awaited little girl. The joy of being a mother and seeing her baby grow was destroyed when Maria was diagnosed with stomach cancer. It all started when Maria began to suddenly lose weight. At the moment, she weighs only 40 kg and she had to stop breastfeeding. Like any mother, Maria wants to see her little girl say her first words and take the first steps, she wants the girl to have a happy childhood, a healthy and strong mother.
Maria is currently undergoing treatment in an Austrian clinic. The family, together with friends, relatives and generous people, managed to collect half the amount to begin the first stage of treatment, because it is a form of aggressive cancer and every minute is important to save Mary's life. Now it is crucialfor this young mother to continue the treatment. Therefore, we ask you for help because the cost of treatment is too high for Maria's family. We ask all people with big heart - please help her in this difficult period of her life. Any donation is welcome. Thank you very much!

Campaign began in 11 December 2019
In how many days was collected 127
Created P CaritateMD
Region orașu Bălți
Category Social
VIORICA PROHNITHI 15 Apr, 2020 18:55
191 RON
Anonymous donation 14 Apr, 2020 21:10 56
200 MDL
Anonymous donation 12 Apr, 2020 19:10 46
100 MDL
Buzu Elena 10 Apr, 2020 11:10 144
19 MDL
Victoria Colesnic 10 Apr, 2020 09:33 25
All donations
11 Aug, 2020


3 Mar, 2020


11 Dec, 2019

Am dat start campaniei
