From the heart to Marc Mitriniuc

4,006 EUR Of the 7,000 required
252 Donations
189 In how many days was collected
Age 1 years
Amount required 7,000 Euro

A message from his mother: 

Greetings! We desperately appeal to you to help our child, Marc Mitriniuc, born on September 25, 2021. Our world has been turned upside down when Mark was diagnosed with Tuberous Sclerosis., initially manifested as Rhabdomyoma of the heart. At just one month and a week old, the child started experiencing seizures. From that moment on, our life turned into hell. We underwent a series of treatment courses, but we were unable to control these seizures. They occur 15-20 times a day. The child is one year and seven months old: he does not walk, does not speak and does not eat on his own. We turn to you for help, to raise funds for a consultation abroad in Israel. Our last hope is to get a successful treatment. It is very difficult to look at your child, how he suffers and endures these severe pains. 

We look forward to your help and support. Thanks a lot. 

Campaign began in 16 May 2023
In how many days was collected 189
Created P CaritateMD
Category Social
Anonymous donation 21 Nov, 2023 06:16 964
În numele Domnului și a Maicii Domnului
Andreea Andreea 15 Nov, 2023 11:31 4
50 MDL
Anonymous donation 14 Nov, 2023 13:02 7
10 EUR
Doamne ajuta la toată lumea!
Anonymous donation 13 Nov, 2023 04:36 964
În numele Domnului și a Maicii Domnului
Daria Buburuz 9 Nov, 2023 17:57 54
65 USD
All donations
27 Nov, 2023
8 Jul, 2023

Am dat start campaniei
