From the heart to Marat Rafalski

10,046 EUR Of the 10,000 required
302 Donations
21 In how many days was collected
Amount required 10,000 Euro

Hello, my name is Iulia, and I am the mother of a wonderful boy named Marat. On October 19, 2022, our world fell apart... on this day, at the Mother and Child Center in Chisinau, Marat was diagnosed with a brain tumor/suspected craniopharyngioma. Unfortunately, no one can perform the necessary surgery in Moldova, and we were discharged from the hospital with a recommendation to seek treatment abroad. We sent 22 inquiries to various clinics, and the university clinic in Düsseldorf agreed to accept us. On November 2, 2022, Marat underwent the surgery (craniotomy) to remove the tumor. We then faced a long path of rehabilitation. Due to the tumor's location in the pituitary area, it affected the endocrine functions, resulting in a decrease in thyroid and pituitary functioning. He was also diagnosed with "cranial diabetes insipidus." As a result, the child constantly requires hormonal replacement therapy. The doctors from the pediatric oncology unit recommended that Marat undergo regular check-ups every three months. The first postoperative examination in February went well. Unfortunately, during the second follow-up examination on June 13, 2023, a recurrence of the brain tumor was detected in Marat's MRI results. However, the doctors say that there is a great chance and hope for a full recovery. The next surgery is scheduled for mid-July. By this time, we have exhausted all possible financial sources, and unfortunately, we are unable to cover all the expenses for the second surgery. Therefore, we turn to you and implore you to help us raise money for Marat's treatment and give him a chance for a happy childhood and life. Our boy dreams of becoming an ultrasound specialist and helping people. Please help him survive so that in the future, he can also help others.

We would be extremely grateful for any support and donations you can afford. We wish you all the best, health and peace to all children and parents! May God bless you and your families!

P.S. The total amount for the surgery reaches 24,000 euros, and the parents are asking for 10,000 euros, since it is an urgent surgery.

Campaign began in 27 June 2023
In how many days was collected 21
Created P CaritateMD
Category Social
Anonymous donation 23 Jul, 2023 00:56 96
Anonymous donation 23 Jul, 2023 00:55 96
30 EUR
Iurie Leahu 22 Jul, 2023 23:41 2
39,306 MDL
Multă sănătate!
SMS Unite 22 Jul, 2023 20:42
45 MDL
Tel: 373*****85
SMS Unite 22 Jul, 2023 20:42
45 MDL
Tel: 373*****85
All donations
16 Aug, 2023


4 Aug, 2023
24 Jul, 2023

"We would like to sincerely thank everyone who has contributed to the Caritate MD crowdfunding. Immense thanks also to those who transfer anonymous donations. Unfortunately, we don't even know your names. But we do know that your hearts are so open and so kind! We would not have been able to cope with this if it wasn't for the friendly support and weighty help from wonderful people like you. I thank you a hundred times. May your kind hearts always beat in the rhythm of happiness and joy. Iulia and Marat"

27 Jun, 2023

Am dat start campaniei
