From the heart to Irina Borsci

1,578 EUR Of the 13,000 required
76 Donations
111 In how many days was collected
Name Borșci Irina
Age 25 years
Amount required 13,000 Euro

• First name: Irina
• Surname: Borsci
• Age: 25 
• Diagnosis: Hodgkin's lymphoma
• Required amount: € 13,000 for two artificial limb
• Treatment: Moldova, Medpark

A message from Irina:

Good afternoon, my name is Irina Borsci from Chisinau and when I was 23 years I received terrible news. In January 2016, I was diagnosed with a severe disease - Hodgkin's lymphoma, nodal sclerosis in 4th stage. I struggled with the disease for more than 1 year and 6 months and managed to defeat it. In May 2017, I began to have severe pain in the hip joint and started to walk with difficulty. Doctors confirmed a new serious diagnosis: aseptic necrosis at the level of the head of the femur, bilateral, deformed coxarthrosis, III-IV stage. Unfortunately, the treatment didn’t gave any positive results and now I require prostheses (limbs) for both legs. I also must undergo a surgery, here in Moldova. Researches have shown that for prostheses I will need 13,000 € (both limbs). This is a huge amount for my family. That's why I ask you from the borrom of my heart to help me get back on my feet. I beg all people with kind hearts to give me a chance for a new life. At 25, life is just beginning and I want to live it without pain.

Thanks you!

Campaign began in 16 February 2018
In how many days was collected 111
Created Mamaliga Liliana
Region Chișinău
Category Social
Anonymous donation 7 Jun, 2018 00:24 7
Anonymous donation 5 Jun, 2018 17:10 39
100 MDL
Andrei Neghina 3 Jun, 2018 15:36 682
Doamne ajuta!
Anonymous donation 31 May, 2018 21:23 71
1,061 MDL
Anonymous donation 23 May, 2018 11:04 40
100 MDL
All donations
