Surname: Odobesco
Name: Ion
Age: 6
Required assistance: purchase of a special wheelchair
Required amount: 32,000 lei
A message from parents!
Hello, our name is Victor and Ecaterina Odobesko and we are the parents of a child named Ionut. At birth, our boy suffered from asphyxia, the umbilical cord was around his neck, he could not breathe from the first seconds after birth up to 10 minutes. This led us to the current difficult situation. Ion was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Now he is six and a half year old, he cannot hold his head, cannot sit on his chair, cannot speak. Usually someone hold him in his arms or he is lying in bed. We also struggle with convulsions. It is getting harder for us because the child grows and we can no longer hold him in our arms. We really, really need a special wheelchair, it will give Ion the opportunity to go outside more often. We ask you from the bottom of our hearts to help us.
Thank you very much!