From the heart to Ilinca Curecheru

673 EUR Of the 2,500 required
56 Donations
15 In how many days was collected
Name Olga
Age 2 years
Amount required 2,500 Euro

  • First name: Ilinca
    • Surname: Curecheru
    • Age: 2,5 
    • Diagnosis: Cerebral tumor
    • Amount needed for surveys: 2500 euros
    • Treatment: Turkey

A message from mother:

Good afternoon, my name is Olga, we are from the village of Radoya, from Singerei district. I'm the mother of Ilinca Curecheru, a little girl is only 2.5 years old and who was diagnosed four months ago with a cerebral tumor. On 11/07/2017 she underwent a surgery that lasted six hours. Unfortunately, they could not completely remove the tumor, because it was interfering with the central nerves. After the surgery, Ilinca stopped talking and walking and as a result of a histological examination she was diagnosed with a pilocitic astrocytoma on the right. Ilinca was hospitalized and we started chemotherapy, but the child's condition is getting worse, she is weak and cannot hold her head. I'm afraid that something will happen to Ilinca. That's why we decided to go to a survey abroad, but we do not have the necessary money. I desperately and sincerely ask you to support us and help us go abroad. Please help Ilinca ease her pain and live a childhood without suffering. Thank you very much!

Campaign began in 2 February 2018
In how many days was collected 15
Created P CaritateMD
Region Singerei
Category Social
Alex Shugany 17 Feb, 2018 12:21 53
333 MDL
Anonymous donation 16 Feb, 2018 20:04 66
20 EUR
Doamne ajuta
LILIA Guberschi 16 Feb, 2018 18:43 5
250 MDL
Puiule fii sanatoasa
petrovici tatiana 15 Feb, 2018 14:49 15
100 MDL
BPay Terminal 14 Feb, 2018 13:23
500 MDL
Numărul cecului: 100761158336663
All donations
