From the heart to Igor Cumpanici

2,302 USD Of the 2,400 required
23 Donations
104 In how many days was collected
Name Igor
Amount required 2,400 US Dollar

Surname: Cumpanici
First name: Igor
Required assistance: being unable to move after an accident at work, he must be brought home 

Required amount: 2400 US dollars
A message from his wife:
We welcome all people of goodwill and come to you with a huge request. We need your help and support. My husband is immobilized, in bed, after an accident that occurred while he was working in Russia. From the height of 9 meters, a lot of heavy equipment fell on my husband. The injury is serious, the spine is broken, two rings are broken in the chest area, the arme was fractured from the shoulder. Now my husband is bedridden, he does not feel anything below his chest. We are now in the hospital, he wants to be discharged and we must bring him home to Moldova along with special medical equipment. Unfortunately, the sum for transportation is too big for us and that's why we are asking for your help. We are very afflicted because we can not collect the amount of $ 2,400 in a few days. Please help us!
Thank you very much for all your donations!

Campaign began in 17 August 2018
In how many days was collected 104
Created P CaritateMD
Category Social
SMS Unite 28 Nov, 2018 21:32
45 MDL
Tel: 373*****35
Ruslan Cusnir 13 Oct, 2018 17:51 2
34,351 MDL
Igor Cibotarean 11 Oct, 2018 19:40 99
50 EUR
Anonymous donation 7 Oct, 2018 03:12 498
I am sorry,please forgive me
I love you
Thank you!
Anonymous donation 13 Sep, 2018 19:49 498
I am sorry,please forgive me
I love you
Thank you!
All donations
