From the Heart to Gheorghe Mocanu

3,067 EUR Of the 3,000 required
145 Donations
14 In how many days was collected
Amount required 3,000 Euro

A message from Gheorghe:

Dear people of goodwill,
My name is Gheorghe Mocanu, I am from the village of Pleșeni, in Cantemir district, and I am reaching out to you, praying that the light in your hearts will bring some light to my eyes.
I have been disabled since childhood, I underwent many leg surgeries and had other health issues.
In recent years, I have also had vision problems and now I have almost completely lost my sight. I now have a great chance to regain at least part of my vision by undergoing a surgery in Bucharest.
But for me, the cost is very high. I have a very small pension, which is barely enough for daily food.
My wife passed away three years ago. I have a child who lives in another district and also has a difficult life with many problems. He said he will help me, but it is not enough.
I know that God takes care of me, even in my blindness. But His goodness, through your kindness, can restore, through this surgery, my eyesight, which is so dear and necessary to each of us.
I ask for your mercy and pray that God blesses you!
Gheorghe Mocanu

Campaign began in 13 June 2024
In how many days was collected 14
Created P CaritateMD
Region R. Cantemir, s. Pleșeni
Category Social
Iulia Radionova 3 Jul, 2024 09:12 39
500 MDL
Iulia Radionova 3 Jul, 2024 09:11 39
1,000 MDL
SMS Unite 2 Jul, 2024 12:06
45 MDL
Tel: 373*****44
Anonymous donation 2 Jul, 2024 08:14 81
500 MDL
Anonymous donation 1 Jul, 2024 16:26 18
500 MDL
All donations
8 Jul, 2024

 Iata asa schimbam destine... Se umple sufletul de bucurie sa-l vedem pe domnul Gheorghe atat de recunoscator si fericit pentru ca operatia a decurs cu succes si el va continua sa vada... Un batranel sincer cu multe necazuri pe umerii lui, astazi ne multumeste pentru sansa lui de a nu isi pierde vederea. Va multumim din suflet pentru o mana de ajutor adusa la timp pentru ai nostri batrani. Impreuna facem sa se simta ca nu sunt singuri... Domnul Gheorghe a simtit bunatatea oamenilor si va multumim cu plecaciune pentru ca alegeti ca pic cu pic sa facem mare pentru aceste suflete necajite in trecut insa astazi pline de speranta pentru ziua de maine.

13 Jun, 2024

Am dat start campaniei
