From the heart to Gabriel Mogorean

6,154 EUR Of the 10,000 required
703 Donations
325 In how many days was collected
Name Gabriel Mogorean
Amount required 10,000 Euro
Treatment Russia
Diagnostic Congenital vesicoureteral reflux

A message from parents:

Hello, we are the parents of little Gabriel, who was born 4 months ago. Unfortunately, our case is serious, sad and very painful ... We are constantly in hospitals and these 4 months have been lived with fear and despair for the life of our boy. In several days they are waiting for us to conduct an examination abroad, as the doctors said that we urgently require surgery. We are in a situation where we do not know what to do next and it will be very difficult for us to cope with all the expenses. Gabriel has suffered from the first days of his life, and so far we have given everything we have for his treatment. But now our only hope are the people of goodwill, because we are no longer able to cover all the costs. The price of our boy’s life is high, we don’t have enough money to pay for treatment and it hurts us a lot ... we are desperate because of our financial difficulties. We ask all people with kind hearts, please help us save our baby.

Thank you very much!

Campaign began in 12 July 2019
In how many days was collected 325
Created P CaritateMD
Region or. Bălți
Category Social
Anonymous donation 31 May, 2020 16:54 35
388 MDL
veaceslav lai 27 May, 2020 05:45 132
50 USD
Beiu Victor 19 May, 2020 13:00
250 MDL
Irina Dogotari 7 May, 2020 18:57 14
21 USD
SMS Moldcell 4 May, 2020 16:00
45 MDL
All donations
