Usually, when families turn to us, their letters are very sad and desperate ... but in case of this family, we took the initiative in our hands, because two little brothers were left without a mother and their father works continuously to buy them food and to assure their education. The fate was cruel to them and every day that goes by is painful and hard ... For those who follow us, today we want to introduce you to two wonderful brothers from Ialoveni who have great results at school, who have an excellent education, who are very clean and caring despite the inhuman living conditions. Unfortunately, their father cannot offer them more ... because he simply cannot afford it. They don’t have their own house, their father grew up in a shelter and has no one who could help him, could listen to him ... Now he is most afraid that his sons may have the same fate. He works non-stop, and all that remained after the death of his wife are these children - his treasure ... because he is so proud of their success at school ... Fate was too hard and ruthless to them ... These children lost their mother, could it be worse? Unfortunately, yes ... Recently, one of the brothers was hit the car and barely recovered from this shock ... Dear friends, this family is in despair, it is very cold in the house, the lack of conditions and many other problems made us feel for their tragic situation. It hurts me deeply when I see how they overcome with courage all these difficulties. Without hesitation, from the very beginning, we extended a helping hand to them, and today we ask you as well, to help them buy a new home, a warm place for this family that has recently gone through a lot. The hearts of these brothers should feel that kind people exist and that the world around us is much more beautiful.
Sa nu mai indrazniti sa nu credeti in minuni, sa stiti ca doar crezand, ele se intampla. Povestea fratiorilor din Ialoveni care locuiau cu tata in conditii mizere astazi are un alt final. Stiti de ce? Pentru ca, ei au crezut si au sperat si pentru ca voi ati avut incredere si ne-ati ajutat sa indeplinim acest vis. Eu scriu printre lacrimi pentru ca, sincer... atat de mult mi-am dorit sa le schimb viata si sunt atat de fericita pentru ei, de parca ar fi copiii mei. In octombrie 2018, foarte recent si-au pierdut mama.... Atat de mult m-a durut sa ii vad cum traiesc, sa stiti ca tata e tare bravo si muncitor si copiii foarte destepti! Astazi ei s-au mutat in noul lor apartament cu 2 camerute in Ialoveni complet mobilat si cu toata tehnica necesara. Eu am facut o mica farsa, le-am zis ca ii invit la mine in ospetie la placinte, dar de fapt i-am invitat la ei Acasa. Eu nu voi scri mult si o sa va rog sa priviti video integral. Va multumesc pana la cer pentru donatii tuturor. Va iubesc pentru ca va pasa si ma mandresc cu voi. Nu pot sa nu mentionez un omulet drag la inima caruia ma bucur atat de mult ca am ajuns si a donat 20.000€ pentru pici, pentru ca voiam atat de mult sa ii mutam pana de Revelion... Nu mai stiu ce sa scriu si cum sa va multumesc. Atat de mult ma gandeam oare ce simte sarmana mama de sus cand ii vede cum traiesc. Eu stiu sigur ca ea ne-a gramadit pe toti in jurul puilor sai. Sa stiti ca mamele nu mor niciodata, ele pleaca acolo sus sa ne vegheze si mai bine, pana la sfarsitul vietii, pana cand ne ridicam si noi ca sa le cuprindem si sa le povestim cat de dor ne-a fost, sa ai somn lin mami, de astazi puii tai sunt in siguranta, au casuta calduta si ceva banuti pentru o perioada ca sa le ofere taticul tot ce e mai bun.
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