Fate was ruthless to Eugenia Botnari, the back pains brought her to the doctors, and after a series of examinations and analyzes she discovered that she had trouble breathing and developed an aggressive form of lung cancer. It is very difficult for her and her family to overcome this obstacle, because now the fate of this helpless woman in the face of a terrible disease depends on financial possibilities. The form of cancer that this mother suffers from is very aggressive, and every day causes new problems and unbearable pain. The only chance is the treatment in a specialized clinic in Turkey. Let's make a donation and help this woman in her battle for life!
A message from daughter, Diana
For some time now I cannot sleep any more, I cannot eat, when I see how the person who gave me birth, continues to suffer. My mom was diagnosed with lung cancer. My heart aches and I do not know what to do and whom to turn to. I feel helpless, like a little child who cannot do anything to save the most precious thing in his life. I beg you from the bottom of my heart to help me save my mother. We found a clinic abroad where we can go for treatment, but we do not have enough money ... Each of your donations will mean a lot to us and I really hope you can help us!
Thank you and God Bless you!
Dragii nostri, cu un mare regret va anuntam ca doamna Eugenia a pierdut lupta pentru viata. Condoleante si putere familiei, iar pentru noi aceasta minunata doamna va ramane intotdeauna o adevarata luptatoare cu sufletul ei senin.
Dragii nostri, doamna Eugenia duce lupta pentru viata, are nevoie de ajutorul nostru, este foarte important sa nu intrerupa tratamentul dar din pacate lipsa banilor o fac sa fie neputincioasa in fata cancerului. Va rugam din suflet, va imploram sa fim alaturi de ea... isi face griji ca totusi banii ii vor decide soarta. Cine cu cat poate, rugam pe fiecare sa ajutam pe doamna Eugenia, mamica, bunica care si-a crescut cu o imensa iubire copilasii si care si ei nu mai stiu incotro sa se mai adreseze sa-si salveze mama.
Va multumim din suflet!