From the heart to Eugen Iasinschi 2

4,835 EUR Of the 16,390 required
400 Donations
34 Days left
Age 19 years
Amount required 16,390 Euro

A message from his mom:
Greetings! This desperate message is a plea to all people of goodwill. My name is Svetlana Iasinskaya and I am writing to you for the third time. My son Eugen is going through very difficult times, we need to undergo another course of treatment to fight cancer. Our family is on the edge, both financially and morally. We have been in the clinic for two years and are continuing to fight for his life. But this struggle won't bring any result without your support, without  kind people who have so far helped pay our expenses. My son has a chance to live, but the required amount is very large for us. Please, I beg you, help me save my son.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Campaign began in 7 April 2022
Days left 34
Created P CaritateMD
Region Tiraspol
Category Social
Anonymous donation 6 Sep, 2024 05:39 831
În numele Domnului și a Maicii Domnului
SMS Moldcell 4 Sep, 2024 10:00
45 MDL
Rotaru Diana 20 Aug, 2024 10:32 36
388 MDL
FILIPP ALEXANDR 19 Jul, 2024 15:54
50 MDL
ajutor material pu Iasinschi Evgheni 2
SMS Moldcell 11 Jul, 2024 14:00
45 MDL
All donations
14 Jun, 2024


7 Apr, 2022

Am dat start campaniei
