From the heart to Emilia Grosu

141,249 MDL Of the 140,500 required
386 Donations
1384 In how many days was collected
Name Emilia Grosu
Age 3 years
Amount required 140,500 Moldova Lei
Treatment Moldova
Diagnostic Cerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis

A message from her mother:

We want to wake up in the morning surrounded by the mess of her toys, but they have been gathering dust for about 3 years. When something bothers her, we want her to be able to tell us about it, we dream of seeing her run and play with other children. But our reality is different, Emilia is diagnosed with cerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis, structured epilepsy with polymorphic seizures, microcephaly, diffuse porencephaly and delayed psychomotor development. This reality turns our mornings into small hopes and evenings into pain and tears. But Emilia continues to fight! The treatment shows little progress, however we are happy about every little success.

At the moment, we are undergoing kinesiotherapy sessions, which helps her understand how to make each movement, step by step, to achieve the desired position. If a typical child has reflexes and thanks to them he learns to roll over or walk on all fours, we should show Emilia how to get to the given position. Currently, it is almost impossible for us to cover the costs of treatment, so we ask people of good will to help us.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts, and may God bless you!

Campaign began in 21 April 2021
In how many days was collected 1384
Created P CaritateMD
Region r. Soroca, s. Egoreni
Category Social
Anonymous donation 3 Feb, 2025 09:01 6
5,000 MDL
Moraru Timofei 3 Feb, 2025 08:56 6
500 MDL
Anonymous donation 27 Jan, 2025 23:09 4
24,500 MDL
să fie sănătoasă Emilia
SMS Unite 6 Jan, 2025 09:57
45 MDL
Tel: 373*****12
Anonymous donation 2 Jan, 2025 05:33 1049
În numele Domnului și a Maicii Domnului
All donations
24 Feb, 2025

Dragii nostri, spune stop donatii pentru micuta Emilia. Va multumim enorm pentru toata sustinerea si pentru inca un destin schimbat. Zilele acestea am primit mesajul de mai jos de la mamica Emiliei si acest mesaj este pentru voi, cei care ati ales sa fiti ingerii pazitori ai Emiliei:

"Vreau sa spun un mare mulțumesc tuturor celor care au contribuit si platformei Dvs pentru posibilitatea de a ii oferi Emiliei un șezut si o verticalizare corectă. Adora plimbările si acum pe lângă comoditate avem si siguranță atunci când ieșim afară."


Cu drag si consideratiune,

Echipa "Caritate.MD".


17 Sep, 2021


17 Sep, 2021


21 Apr, 2021

Am dat start campaniei
