From the heart to Elena Lupu

706 EUR Of the 110,440 required
60 Donations
167 In how many days was collected
Amount required 110,440 Euro

A message from her daughter:

Hello everyone!
This is my mom! A woman who was healthy and lived an ordinary life, with all its joys and sorrows... She worked hard her whole life and never gave up!
One day she woke up and realized that she could no longer go on, that her strength had left her. In just one month, she turned into a sick person, confined to her bed! LEUKEMIA.....????
She urgently requires treatment in Turkey! Her life is hanging by a thread....
This is the only chance to save her life!
I implore all kind-hearted people, if you have the opportunity, to help us with donations, to raise the money to go to the hospital in Turkey!
The sums are very large, and we are unable to cope with these expenses.
I sincerely ask everyone who can, to help us!
We sincerely thank everyone!
God help us and we wish you a lifetime of good health!

Campaign began in 18 August 2023
In how many days was collected 167
Created P CaritateMD
Region R. Dondușeni, s. Scăieni
Category Social
FILIPP ALEXANDR 1 Feb, 2024 14:59
50 MDL
ajutor material pu Lupu Elena
Anonymous donation 17 Jan, 2024 15:17 35
30 MDL
SMS Moldcell 12 Jan, 2024 20:00
45 MDL
SMS Moldcell 12 Jan, 2024 20:00
45 MDL
Anonymous donation 30 Dec, 2023 15:45 24
100 MDL
All donations
8 Feb, 2024
18 Aug, 2023

Am dat start campaniei
