From the heart to Denis Spaс

3,280 EUR Of the 25,000 required
158 Donations
317 In how many days was collected
Age 35 years
Amount required 25,000 Euro

A message from his friends: 


An employee of the magistrate's court of Botanica district, Denis Spaс, a civil servant, father of three, under the age of 35 was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, with a frequency of one in a million people. In Moldova, there are no specialists and no equipment for the treatment of this type of disease. 

The life of a young father has become a race against time. A clinic in Turkey, with the support of a French clinic, specialized in rare diseases, agreed to take on Denis' case. The treatment consisting of chemotherapy sessions and surgery is very expensive, but it cannot be postponed. 

Today, more than ever, we need your help!

Any donation can help save this young man's life! 

Campaign began in 31 October 2022
In how many days was collected 317
Created P CaritateMD
Region Bender
Category Social
Iurie Moraru 13 Sep, 2023 12:01 103
192 MDL
SMS Moldcell 17 Aug, 2023 10:00
45 MDL
Anonymous donation 12 Aug, 2023 23:40 614
977 MDL
Будьте здоровы!
Anonymous donation 15 Jul, 2023 14:54 2
608 MDL
SMS Moldcell 15 May, 2023 16:00
45 MDL
All donations
