From the heart to David Secrieru 2

40,097 EUR Of the 45,000 required
1883 Donations
161 In how many days was collected
Name Maria
Age 6 years
Amount required 45,000 Euro

Surname: Secrieru
Name: David
Diagnosis: Brain Tumor
Required amount: 45000 Euro
Treatment: Turkey

A message from mother:

Good afternoon, many of you already know our story and I would like to sincerely thank you for the chance that you gave us. Thanks to you, our guardian angels, David continues to fight the disease, and I continue to hope that he will grow up a healthy child. Unfortunately, recently, the situation got worse. Everything was fine, the treatment worked, David started to feel better and we were very happy to see a smile on his face. But ... suddenly our David started to feel ill again, he complained that he had a headache and he became very sad. Recent results have shown that he has metastases in the liver, head and spine. Now, a team of doctors is doing everything possible to find out where the cancer cells are located in order to start a new treatment. We recently learned how much it would cost to continue the treatment. It is difficult for me to write about this, but unfortunately we have to start another fight... it’s very hard for us, but we try not to give up because David wants to live. Therefore, we need your support again. I always carried the faith in God in my heart, and I believe he has sent to us all the people who helped us in the past. I believe and hope that I can save my child, but I have to ask for your help once again. Please help us, because your donations, your kind thoughts, prayers, your support are of great importance to us.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Campaign began in 15 January 2019
In how many days was collected 161
Created P CaritateMD
Region Calarasi
Category Social
Anonymous donation 25 Jun, 2019 13:05 6
518 MDL
Radu Elena 15 Apr, 2019 14:51 35
99 MDL
Olga Grama 15 Apr, 2019 12:39
300 MDL
Sa va ajute Dumnezeu si baietelul sa se faca bine!
galina jigala 15 Apr, 2019 02:40 12
10 USD
Doamne ajuta-l ....
Anonymous donation 14 Apr, 2019 14:07 7
300 MDL
All donations
29 Apr, 2019

Dragii nostri, Davidus cu mare regret a pierdut lupta pentru viata. O durere imensa pentru toti, a fost un luptator exemplu, un erou care a luptat pana la urma. Zbor lin ingeras, parintilor multa putere pentru a trece de aceste momente cumplite.

20 Mar, 2019

Dragii nostri, David va saluta si va multumeste pentru tot. Lupta pentru viata lui si are mare nevoie de sustinerea noastra... Va rugam din suflet sa ii fim alaturi pana la urma, daca ati sti cat de mult isi doreste sa invinga... Acum starea lui este stabila, cumintel continua tratamentul dar are mare nevoie de ajutorul nostru pentru sansa lui la viata. E greu sa privesti si sa nu plangi cand ochii lui striga de ajutor... Va rugam din suflet sa depunem un mic efort pentru acest mic dar puternic luptator, credeti-ne este foarte puternic si rezistent si tot de ce este nevoie pentru el acum,sunt oamenii. Nu a mai ramas mult pentru a-i asigura integul tratament. Pentru Davidus eroul nostru voinic va imploram sa oferim repetat sustinerea noastra, caci e vitala.

Va multumim din suflet pentru bunatate!



15 Jan, 2019

Am dat start campaniei
