Surname: Samson
• First Name: David
• Age: 3,5
• Diagnosis: juvenile xanthomosis / xanthogranuloma
• Amount: 47500$+32500
• Treatment: Turkey
A message from mother:
I'm sure that mothers will understand me and that my message will be read by all people of goodwill!!! It's about my boy David. He is a delightful, 3.5-year-old child who suffers from a genetic disorder, also called "lipid metabolism disorder with apolipoprotein deficiency" that erupted in the skin, causing spots on his face and body. In medicine, the disease is called "juvenile xanthoma / xanthogranulema". A year ago, this terrible disease took the boy's right eye. It broke out in the eyeball, causing a complex cataract. After the surgery, the doctor's verdict was tough. He said that the boy will never see again and there is no chance for a cure... Now the disease may spread to the second eye. We urgently need medical surveys abroad, in Turkey, because the situation is deteriorating. We very much hope that the doctors will help the boy keep his sight and stop the progress of the disease, which destroyed all of David’s childhood. In order to do this, we need people's support, since surveys, air tickets, treatment and we don’t have these money. We appeal to all people with big hearts who are ready to help us, donate to David and give him a chance at a normal life.
Dragii nostri, incepem saptamana cu un sufletel micut, chinuit care viseaza sa nu i se mai faca "intepatura". Lupta continua si va rugam din suflet sa-i oferim sansa sa urmeze tratamentul pana la sfarsit. Lacrimile puiului nu ne pot lasa indiferenti, are nevoie de noi, pentru ca lupta lui costa iar fara noi nu vor reusi. Va rugam repetat sa jertvim un minim pentru Davidus si el ne promite ca va invinge. ORICE DONATIE CONTEAZA.
Binele se intoarce
Davidus va multumeste
Dragii nostri, Davidus este la tratament, micutul duce o lupta grea, uneori cu multe dureri si lacrimi care nici mamica nu le poate opri, insa rezista si continua sa lupte pentru viata. Datorita noua a fost posibil sa inceapa cat mai repede tratamentul pentru ca deja era riscul sa isi piarda vederea. Acum este la jumatate de drum si acum conteaza foarte foarte mult sa nu intrerupa tratamentul doar asa se va putea insanatosi, doar asa va putea sa se reintoarca acasa unde vrea sa isi faca multi multi prieteni si sa fie un copilas normal. Daca am putea macar pe cateva secunde sa va transmitem ce simte acest copilas de doar 4 anisori... e dureros sa vedem cum Davidus plange de durere, dar noi stim ca totusi il putem ajuta, ii putem cu siguranta oferi sansa la viata, pentru ca fara noi acest baietel risca sa nu isi finiseze tratamentul. Dragii nostri din inima repetat va rugam catusi de putin dar sa fim alaturi, sa donam pentru viata lui Davidus.