From the heart to Daniel Spinu

55,062 EUR Of the 90,000 required
5293 Donations
10 Days left
Age 20 years
Amount required 90,000 Euro

A message from the young man: 

Greetings, my name is Spinu Daniel. When I was only 20 years old, I was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia ( blood and bone marrow cancer). I would like to share with you my struggle for life and ask you to give me some of your time. My illness came as a shock to me and my family. After my 20th birthday, within a week, the illness began to show some signs that developed very quickly. At the time when I learned about my condition, I had zero hopes, but now with the help of God and people with kind hearts, I know that I can defeat it. However, I cannot cope on my own, I need your support and help for expensive treatment in Turkey. It will include chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant. I am aware that this path to recovery is not easy, but I will never give up my dreams and hopes of defeating this disease. I am determined to win this battle and continue my life with renewed vigor. I have little time, but I believe and hope that I still have a chance and opportunity to create a wonderful future for myself. This is why I need your support. I will be very grateful for any donation, any support in this fight. Any donation, no matter how small, can make a huge difference to me and my family. 

Please help me and share my story with other people of good will. I really need help in this fierce battle for Life! Thank you for all your support and kind thoughts. 

Campaign began in 10 April 2023
Days left 10
Created P CaritateMD
Region R. Râșcani, s. Mihăileni
Category Social
Anonymous donation 19 Mar, 2025 14:31 102
200 MDL
SMS Unite 10 Feb, 2025 13:43
45 MDL
Tel: 373*****58
Anonymous donation 6 Feb, 2025 08:33 102
200 MDL
Victor Lupacescu 23 Jan, 2025 21:53 8
Anonymous donation 4 Jan, 2025 21:11 102
200 MDL
All donations
25 Sep, 2023


20 Jul, 2023
7 Jul, 2023


8 Jun, 2023


30 May, 2023


8 May, 2023


10 Apr, 2023

Am dat start campaniei
