From the heart to Cristina Marulea

15,512 EUR Of the 50,000 required
727 Donations
198 In how many days was collected
Name Tatiana Jizdan
Age 5 years
Amount required 50,000 Euro

  • Name: Cristina
  • FirstName: Marulea
  • Age: 5 years old
  • Diagnosis: serious burns 
  • Amount necessary:50.000 euro
  • Treatment: Turkey

Cristina Marulea from the village of Hartopul Mare, in Criuleni district, 3 years ago, when she was two years old, was seriously injured in an accident in which their house burned down. That day, she and her older sister were at home, while their mother went to work. The elder sister was the first to feel that the house was on fire and called grandfather Ion. When he came, the house was already on fire and he went inside to find the younger daughter. When she was found, the little girl's clothes were already melted on the body and face, her hands suffered sever injuries. Both girls were hospitalized. The younger daughter lost both fingers, her whole body was burned, her face disfigured. She underwent several surgeries, but this was not enough. Mother Aurelia raises the girls by herself, they do not have their own house, they live in rent. The only source of income for this family is the child's disability pension and several allowances. This incident shocked the whole community, which offered assistance to this family. When Cristina had to go to the kindergarten, the girl was scared, she wanted to stay home. At the initiative of the mayor of the village, the girl finally decided to go, accompanied by him, to the kindergarten. Unfortunately, it is very difficult for her to integrate and play with other kids. Now, Cristina's chance is a clinic abroad that can significantly change her life, but the costs of treatment are very high for both mother and other villagers who want to help her. 48 000 euros are required for operation, treatment and long-term rehabilitation. This wonderful girl was badly hurt, now she is 5 years old. Please show some compassion and help Cristina, because every child deserves to be happy and enjoy a wonderful childhood without pain and illnesses.

Campaign began in 25 August 2017
In how many days was collected 198
Created P CaritateMD
Region R. Criuleni
Category Social
Andrei Marina 10 Mar, 2018 19:10
4,174 MDL
T C 6 Mar, 2018 16:13 35
506 MDL
Secrii Daniil 28 Feb, 2018 10:29
500 MDL
Anonymous donation 26 Feb, 2018 20:39 9
100 MDL
Ursu Larisa 24 Feb, 2018 19:04 24
614 MDL
All donations
2 Apr, 2018

Dragii nostri, cazul Cristinei Marulea a fost finalizat, din motivul ca mamica fetitei a refuzat sa mai mearga la tratament, iar banii ramasi de la Cristina, au fost redirectionati tinerei Diana Colomeet, care a fost diagnosticata cu rabdomiosarcom a regiunii perineului si acum se afla la al doilea tratament. Multumim cu plecaciune pentru toata sustinerea oferita si ca sunteti alaturi de aceste suflete necajite. Multumim ca existati!


Am dat start campaniei
