From the heart to Constantin Hristescu

110,084 EUR Of the 110,000 required
5535 Donations
145 In how many days was collected
Age 3 years
Amount required 110,000 Euro

Good afternoon, I am in despair, and I ask all people of good will to help me save my son. Constantin was born with the so-called Spina Bifida disease and at 8 months he was diagnosed with profound bilateral deafness. I never lost hope even though I was told we had no chance. Then we learned that we could find treatment abroad. Now we need to undergo a detailed examination, followed by a complex surgery that will cost us 110,000 euros. It is painful to watch my child suffer, and as a mother, I cannot help him in any way. For him I would do everything, he is my purpose in life and I ask you from the bottom of my heart to help me. I am in despair, I cry and pray for a miracle, I pray for my baby to live a happy, long life.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all people of goodwill!

Campaign began in 28 January 2022
In how many days was collected 145
Created P CaritateMD
Region R.Leova s. Tochile-Răducani
Category Social
Anonymous donation 22 Jun, 2022 08:35 149
1,000 MDL
Sirbu Iurie 21 Jun, 2022 22:09 34
101 MDL
Lupasco Olga 21 Jun, 2022 19:42 98
100 MDL
Anonymous donation 21 Jun, 2022 15:07 6
1,000 MDL
SMS Moldcell 21 Jun, 2022 15:00
45 MDL
All donations
3 Jan, 2023


29 Jul, 2022
30 May, 2022


25 Mar, 2022


24 Mar, 2022


28 Jan, 2022

Am dat start campaniei
