From the heart to Chiril Rijov

3,100 USD Of the 8,000 required
125 Donations
1200 In how many days was collected
Name Rijova Iulia
Amount required 8,000 US Dollar


Greetings! I am Chiril Rijov’s mother and in 2019 our family turned to you for help in raising funds for our son to undergo a surgery in the USA, at the Institute of Hearing in California. The boy was diagnosed with external auditory canal atresia. I thank each one of you for your kind words, for your support, for your donations which were very important to us. Now I have good news, the Ministry of Health of PMR allocated us money to undergo this surgery, to restore the boy’s auditory canal and place the auricle, since he lacks it and cannot hear. Our family has booked a surgery for June 23, 2022, and it costs 8 thousand dollars. Unfortunately, we have no more funds. I ask you once again to help us raise funds for the flight, visas, and accommodation in the United States. We won't be able to do it without your help. A little more and we can help Chiril hear and enjoy a happy life!

Best regards, Chiril's mother.

A message from mother:

Good Afternoon! I ask all people of goodwill to help me save my son Chiril. The fact that my son has no ear, I learned only after his birth. The pregnancy went well, without any complications. But after birth, our whole family was in shock, there were tears, sleepless nights, constant terrible fear for his life, for his future, for the fact that he would not be able to speak and hear, to adapt to society and eventually he will become isolated. The left ear of Chiril is underdeveloped, there is no external auditory canal, and he hears only with his right ear. Due to poor hearing, he perceives sounds differently than other kids. For Chiril is hard to perceive the space orientation, he can hardly determine who called him and from which side the car is coming. Our son can restore hearing and have an ear like any healthy children. And this is the most important thing to us: for Chiril to hear like all of us. We learned that in the USA, at the Institute of Hearing in California, we can be help him restore hearing. We spoke to them and the doctors are ready to perform the surgery and help Chiril. The surgery for the reconstruction of the
auricle and the recovery of hearing in the US is very expensive - $ 85,000. All our efforts are aimed at raising funds, but, unfortunately, our family does not have this money. Chiril is 7 years old, he goes to school and began to notice and ask us questions such as: mother, why I have one ear and when the other will grow. It is
difficult for me to explain to my child his condition and I am always crying. Chiril is a clever and curious child, he is kind, he loves to draw and read. I really want to give my son a chance for treatment in order to avoid psychological problems at school and in communication with his peers. It is very difficult for me to see him in this
situation. I am desperate and I want to shout for help to the whole world. We really need your support. Therefore, I beg you: help our son to hear this world, to be a healthy and happy child and to live a happy childhood.

With hope and respect,

Chiril’s mom!

Campaign began in 12 February 2019
In how many days was collected 1200
Created P CaritateMD
Region or. Rabnita
Category Social
Oleg Burca 26 May, 2022 03:22 85
10 EUR
Însănătoșire grabnică!
Anonymous donation 15 May, 2022 13:47 23
1,330 MDL
Anonymous donation 13 May, 2022 10:47 15
236 MDL
BAETRAU ELENA 10 May, 2022 10:39 22
100 MDL
Anonymous donation 5 May, 2022 01:23 26
All donations
27 Jan, 2022


12 Feb, 2019

Am dat start campaniei
